Saturday, May 31, 2008

Giving up the milk

Well I'm trying to get Nicholas to give up the milk. It's proving to be a lot harder than it was with the girls. They didn't seem to mind when the nursing ended, Nicholas not so much.

He doesn't miss it during the day, but giving it up through the night is proving to be more difficult. He's still up about 3 times a night wanting to nurse. I'm trying to convince Adam that he's the one that needs to get up with Nicholas since he doesn't have the milk. Maybe then, Nicholas will sleep through the night. He used to do it at 3 months, not sure what has changed!

Nicholas has officially begun walking! He started taking a few steps a couple of weeks ago. Then he realized that it was faster if he crawled, so he would give up pretty fast. Now he's trying it out all the time & has that cute toddler walk. Soon he'll be running & so will we trying to catch up with him. He's gotten so big, so fast.


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